Wow!! What an amazing night…. I mean day… honestly, I am still recovering a little 😋
We started the day strong at 12:00 with 10 boardgamers strong. Chris from Cholsey Volunteers kicked the marathon off with a brief overview of the amazing work they do in our community. Chris was barely out the door and the first boardgame hit the table in all its destructive Worm glory!!
Participants immediately got to work taking out their opponents and working up an appetite. Before we knew it, Ciabattas and the first few rounds of drinks were done. While some players started their lengthy journey down Twilight Emperium, others had a go at casual party games to show each other up at Crack List!
At 16:00 we were treated to an amazing death by chocolate cake baked by Charlotte Ball, who spent 3 hours slaving away in the kitchen to treat our participants to a late afternoon treat.
By 17:30 one table was already on their 6th game, while the other half of the participants were still far from completing their game of Twilight Emperium. Participants were encouraged to take a break and were treated to some amazing Croissants from Imma Bakery and another round of drinks! And the gaming continued!
At around 20:30, dinner was served. Our amazing kitchen team treated everyone to specially made pasta dishes. Participants were invited downstairs to a table fit for royalty!
After a much needed break our gamers retreated to the upstairs to continue their quest. It was around this time our Twilight Emperium team finished their game 😶. At midnight, snacks in the form of sandwich platters were laid out next to the croissants and cake and another round of coffee was in order. Now the real challenge starts.
We started strong with a 10 player game of Voyagers by Postmark Games. It wasn’t long after and we started seeing even the most veteran gamers starting to struggle. It started with resting heads on tables and escalated to duvets on the longest seats available. While 2 players had power naps, the rest soldiered on.
By 2:00 our power nappers returned. But not long after we saw the first 2 players call it quits with a wishful promise to return in the morning. And then more casualties… another 1 down.. this time a power napper. I guess it didn’t work….
7 remained and we soldiered on. A few were deep into a game of The Witcher Old World, while others tried to take down a few games off the bingo sheet. But the short format games resulted in another brave gamer falling victim to their Power Nap strategy. By 5:00 only 6 remained.
6:00 sore the cafe starting to lighten up again, with the kitchen being switched back on and breakfast being prepared for those that remain. However, a good meal often results in more casualties. We unfortunately saw 1 more go before the cafe opened to the public at 9:30.
5 remained…and the atmosphere became intense. As the cafe opened and the clients came flooding in, the noise of a busy cafe on a Sunday was unsettling for those that remained. Small noises seemed loader than normal. Reading the text on cards became more difficult. And basic maths felt like a gym workout after Christmas lunch.
Luckily the 5 remaining made it through to the end. At 12:00 we held a very quick prize giving and sent the players on their way to bed.
As for the Raffle… we sold 290 tickets!!! Together with the participants and random donations we made a total of £611.20 for Cholsey Volunteers. We are in the process of trying to secure match funding to increase that. But not bad for our first try!

10 gamers, 5 survivors, 24 hours of gaming, over 30 different games played, 290 raffle tickets, £611.20 raised for charity. Not bad stats for the first time! Let’s see if next year we can make that even better!